We are always searching for enthusiastic, dedicated people to join our team. Our reputation and the quality of our services are due to our experienced, committed and hard working staff. We recognise that working with young people can be a challenging career and we pride ourselves in providing a supportive environment.

There is a strong focus on your professional development to ensure you can work to the best of your ability and progress your career.

We are a diverse staff team and welcome applications from individuals who can positively contribute their experience, skills and knowledge to provide great outcomes for young people.

If you are interested in working for YLT please complete this  application form and submit with your CV and cover letter to hr@young-london.org.

Outlined below are some of the main terms and conditions of employment relevant to all employees of the organisation.

All posts are subject to a probationary period of 12 weeks unless otherwise stated in your contract, during which your performance will be reviewed from time to time.

During this probationary period, either party may terminate the contract by giving the appropriate notice. After satisfactory completion of the probationary period, the notice stated on your contract of employment will apply .

Your main place of work will be detailed in your contract of employment. You may be required to work in other locations from time to time. You will not be required to work outside the United Kingdom for a continuous period of more than one month.

The commencing salary will be as stated in the contract of employment. Salaries are paid in arrears on or around the last dates of each calendar month, by direct credit transfer into a bank or building society account.

The holiday year run from 1 April to 31 March. In each holiday year, the full holiday entitlement is 28 days. This includes eight days Public or Bank Holidays. The recognised Public/Bank Holidays are:

  • New Year’s Day
  • Good Friday
  • Easter Monday
  • Early May BANK holiday
  • Spring BANK holiday
  • Summer BANK holiday
  • Christmas Day
  • Boxing Day

Holiday will be calculated on a pro-rata basis for part time workers.

The organisation does not have an occupational sick pay scheme. The organisation will not make any payment to you whilst you are absent through sickness, except statutory sick pay.

The organisation currently does not offer a pension scheme. However, work is in progress to implement and appropriate scheme in line with Pension Reform timescales

The organisation operates a no smoking policy

Young London Today is committed to our responsibilities for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults.

We are committed to recruiting candidates, who share the commitment to safeguarding, and therefore we apply robust recruitment and selection procedures to ensure that the people selected are right for the job and appropriately screened prior to appointment.

The following pre-employment checks will be undertaken as applicable :

  • References (minimum of two professional)
  • Enhanced DBS and Barred List checks
  • Eligibility to work in the UK checks
  • Identity check
  • Evidence of qualifications APPLICABLE to the role

Young London Today requires a minimum of two professional references from your current or previous employers. If you have no work related referees we may consider a reference from an education provider such as a university. Please liaise with HR for further information.

Young London Today is committed to safeguarding the welfare of those accessing our services and has a statutory duty of care towards vulnerable members of society under the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006).

The organisation will require enhanced DBS checks on those seeking paid work or volunteering opportunities.

We require all applicnts to obtain an Enhanced Certificate of Disclosure and relevant Adult and/or Children Barred List check from the DBS. This information must be obtained using the Update Service and consent to access the on-line information must be granted. Please liaise with HR for further information or visit www.gov.uk/dbs-update-service .

If you are in receipt of a manual DBS certificate you must submit the original documentation to the office for approval.

The post you are applying for is exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. This means that all convictions, cautions and bind-overs, including those regarded as ‘spent’ must be declared.

Having a criminal record will not necessarily bar you from working with us. This will depend on the nature of the offence and the background of the offence. The Human Resources Department will carry out a detailed risk assessment to assess the disclosure of a conviction. Senior Management will decide whether to proceed with employment or withdraw any offer of employment.

We work in accordance with the Immigration, Asylum, and Nationality Act 2006 which requires applicants to provide proof of their right to work in the UK. Further details of what original documents can be submitted can be obtained from HR.

Our managers have the necessary information, guidance and training to enable them to identify and assess issues relating to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people including:

  • Your motivation to work with children and young people
  • Your ability to form and maintain appropriate relationships
  • Boundaries with young people
  • Your emotional resilience in working with challenging behaviours
  • Your attitude to the use of authority and maintaining discipline

If you are offered the post, we shall ask for evidence of your identity. The HR Department will request original documentation of your passport or birth certificate. Further details can be obtained from HR.

If you are offered a post where formal qualifications are a requirement, we shall ask for evidence. The HR Department will require original documentation which confirms your qualification status. Further details can be obtained from HR.

Here at YLT we foster and promote the right to be different, to have choice and dignity, to be valued as an individual and to be free from discrimination.

We believe that a diverse workforce can offer a wider range of skills, ideas, energy and resources to the organisation which in turn will assist us in providing a competitive edge.

We actively encourage a diverse workforce and promote equality of opportunity. Part of our diversity management includes our diversity action plan which highlights activities and equality outcomes that embrace and target diversity in the workplace. Further details can be obtained from the HR Department, please email HR@young-London.org

At YLT we provide an environment where everybody has the opportunity to reach their full potential, this benefits us as an organisation by:

  • Improving opportunities within the organisation through internal promotion
  • Becoming an employer of choice
  • Having a more balanced workforce
  • Valuing and respecting employees
  • Attracting, recruiting and retaining a wider talent pool
  • Improving employee morale and motivation
  • Improved standards of delivery

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