We are a dynamic and experienced provider of social care packages, research, and consultancy located in South London. Founded in 2001 and incorporated as a not-for-profit organisation in 2012, YLT has an excellent track record of working with the most challenging and vulnerable young people .

The leadership team have been successfully delivering care services to numerous London boroughs for over ten years. During this time, we have developed a reputation for excellence in supporting and engaging marginalised young people. Therefore, we can offer appropriate accommodation and support on a case-by-case basis.

Mission, Vision and Values

Our mission is to enable vulnerable young people and those leaving care to develop their full potential and play a positive, constructive role in society.


  • Our vision is a world where the life-chances of looked after and vulnerable young people equal those of their peers. Where they are valued for their independent contribution and that the world is a more supportive and accepting place to live.


  • Valuing every individual, their needs and the contribution they can make to society and to our work
  • Involving young people,  commissioners and other stakeholders in the design of  YLT services and to deliver continuing improvements in quality
  • Working in an inclusive and transparent way which embraces difference and promotes equality
  • Providing a safe environment  in an effort to encourage and foster growth and development

Mission and Purpose:

  • To work with young people and their families, where appropriate, in a holistic way where intervention will prevent or reduce the risk of family breakdown.
  • To work with young people and other relevant agencies to support the young person to achieve their best potential.
  • To create a safe environment for vulnerable young people where they are free to express their individuality, grow and develop.
  • To motivate  and encourage young people with a view to bringing out the best in themselves in whatever they do.
  • To focus their attention on the need to attain self-esteem with  a sense of achievement through work ethics and other beneficial endeavours and individual efforts.
  • Provision of high quality accommodation with essential recreational amenities and equipment
  • Provision of young person focussed support workers who are able to engage with the young person and support them to plan, shape and achieve their goals.
  • To provide some consistency and stability in young people’s lives. Exclusion of young people from services is a last resort.  To help young people with complex and challenging behaviour to learn to manage through using therapeutic interventions, positive role-modelling and other resources.
  • Young people have access to a diverse range of support services which meet their individual needs; inspirational key workers, practical life skills, mentors, education, housing, health, rapid interventions, emotional and financial wellbeing, advice and advocacy.
  • To influence policy and government to ensure the best possible outcomes for young people. YLT services are documented and evaluated for “Best Practice” and improved outcomes.
  • Young people remain at the core of services at all times.  The YLT Youth Board will play an active role in developing the service and training and empowering young people to become decision makers.
  • To focus their attention on the fact that they are an integral and very important  part of society and need to  give something back for their own upkeep, thereby  achieving the  all important  “self worth” and personal satisfaction needed as foundation for a fulfilling life/future

Safeguarding Statement:

At Young London Today we are committed to delivering a service to the Young People under our supervision that is embedded in safeguarding and safe working practice guidance.  We recognise that in order to help Young People to achieve their potential, staff need to be trained and equipped to provide a safe and supportive environment.  This process starts in the recruitment of staff and volunteers and continues in the policies and procedures that govern the work of the organisation.

At Young London Today we consider that we have a responsibility to safeguard all the Young People that we work with and therefore adhere to policies and procedures relating to both child and adult safeguarding practice.

At Young London Today we are committed to safeguarding those people in our care and will work cooperatively with other agencies to ensure that any risk to those we work with is acknowledged and responded to professionally and without delay.

Young London Today has policies in place which inform the organisation, and individuals within it, how to respond in situations where abuse is suspected and how to work together to promote the welfare of our Young People.

Our staff and volunteers are aware through regular training, supervision and informal support of their own duty, and the duty of other statutory and voluntary agencies, to safeguard our Young People and promote effective inter-agency working.

Young London Today will continue to work to national and local safeguarding policies, and will keep up to date with any future changes.  Our responsible person for all safeguarding matters relating to Young People is Renaté Alexander (renate.alexander@young-london.org)

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